Helium Remote for UWP open sourced!


Today we are proud to present Helium Remote for Universal Windows Platform (UWP)!

Helium Remote for UWP requires a Windows 10 comptible device (desktop, tablet, phone) and can be downloaded from the Windows Store:

This new version replaces the old Windows Phone and Windows RT version.
The desktop version allows a resizable and responsive user interface which can be used either similar to the mobile version (portrait mode) or as a more classic desktop version.

The most recent version of Neon is required to use Helium Remote.
Click here to download the most recent Neon version

Open source? Yes!

Apart from releasing Helium Remote to the Windows Store, we are also releasing it as open source on GitHub!

This means that you are fully free to download the source code to it and help us extending it so that it can get even better!

We look forward to see you helping us to improve and extend Helium Remote!

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